The project’s objective is to upskill and support performers to leverage their opportunities of the digital supply chain, monetising the online content and protecting their intellectual property.
The achievement of the general objective will be supported through (1) exchange of best practices and competences for gaining access to knowledge that would improve the overall positioning of performers and (2) providing guidance for revenue opportunities for performing artists through the creation of a forward-looking Competence center for digital transformation By digitally enabling our independent artists to learn, create and submit, the project will support to disseminate their content to curators, labels, independent radios, and other media.
Some of the activities of the project will encompass:
– familiarisation with the digital platforms and various submission and streaming options for promoting their creative content in an efficient and effective way
– Exchange of good practices and know-how on how to monetise such content and build a sustainable living in the digital age. The provision of guidance and the establishment of a permanent single-point competence center within the project scope which will deliver knowledge to the project partnership team, its members and network of peers.
On the other hand, the exchange activities held during the project will build organisational and competence capacity within the project organisations help us centralise and improve various content that is currently scattered to various suboptimal tools and sites, help us establish the single source of truth for submitting and receiving opportunities and help us extend our digital outreach, including working with governments and public bodies to find legislative solutions to overcome current policies and obstacles.
A successful implementation of the project will have an immediate impact on an industry that is expected to lose over 30% of its current workforce by the end of 2022 due to the unprecedented strain caused by the pandemic and in part due to the rapid digitalization of music content.
Target Groups
The target groups of the project, which we have identified for urgent support are:
1. Independent/Freelance artists, specifically young performers and micro entertainment enterprises. These target groups are the most vulnerable in the digital transformation, as the introduction of the Digital Data Exchange Standards and its requirements puts a complicated, time-consuming and expensive barrier before them. The project outputs will have a positive impact over these target groups, providing them guidance in the digital world and helping them gain access to tools that will help preserve their intellectual property and provide opportunities for generating revenue and gaining
2. Artists/performers with fewer opportunities, specifically those facing geographic and economic challenges, as well as those coming from diverse ethnic backgrounds. A large number of artists who live in areas where there is little or no access to free internet or cannot afford technology, are the most likely to be excluded from the technology knowledge exchange and industry as a whole. They typically have very little understanding of the way streaming media and other digital forms of media work and have limited opportunities to generate revenue and register their work. A lot of them have unique talents and are the “storage media” for their cultural heritage, and if not encouraged and supported, will lose this cultural content forever.
3. Cultural operators and their teams of trainers and experts. The project output will be disseminated throughout the cultural network and its respective sectors for further use and understanding of existing opportunities