What is metadata?

Metadata is data that is used to characterize and describe media content, including audio and video recordings. In the music industry, metadata refers to information about the song, its artist, album name, and other such data relating to the recording.

Why is metadata so valuable?

Metadata is extremely significant for both artists and their labels. Labels use it to track copyright infringement or royalties distribution. It’s impossible for search engines such as Google to discover content on their own in an efficient way without metadata.

Is metadata complicated?

Independent musicians are running into various obstacles not only in terms of creating high quality content but also in terms of how they manage their own metadata. They face problems with metadata because it poses high technicalities that are challenging to master.

This high-tech job requires high expertise in a technical domain as well as experience with metadata tagging languages like ID3 tags and metadata exchange protocols like DDEX.

Another critical factor is that metadata in the music industry is constantly evolving. Change is primarily driven by the digital revolution, and it hasn’t stopped yet.

What is the solution?

Artists should be educated about metadata and its management because it is not just about having high-quality music and content, but also ensuring that all of the proper information is available and correct so that the audience is able to find it.


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